The Business Master (3rd Edition)
The Business Master (3rd Edition).iso
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EZ-Forms and EZ-SpreadSheet are distributed exclusively by:
EZX Corporation
403 NASA 1 East
Webster, Texas 77598
713-488-0210 is the order/information line.
Orders ONLY toll free: 1-800-643-9039 ext. 377
in Texas: 1-800-392-6273 ext. 377
The cost of EZ-Forms or EZ-SpreadSheet is only $49.95 +3S&H or
$89.95 for both. See the registration form, REGISTER.FRM, for
complete and up to date details on registration options.
Revision D.12
Dear Users of EZ-Forms: 11 January 1987
With this revision of EZ-Forms we have provided an on-line manual
instead of the overview.doc file. We hope that you find this easier
to use. EZ-Forms is a shareware package. We will continue to
improve the package with your support.
*** NEW ********************************************************************
* *
* EZ-Forms Executive is now available! EZ-Forms Executive is the fully *
* commercial version of EZ-Forms. Almost every area of operation has *
* been expanded and updated (over 20% new code). New features include *
* spreadsheet style math, word wrap, text centering, text justification, *
* custom print attributes (superscript, subscript, italics, etc), more *
* on-line help, assembly language routines to speed up operation, and *
* numerous other enhancements. How can you get this enhanced EZ-Forms? *
* - If you are a registered user of EZ-Forms send $55 (includes shipping *
* and handling) along with proof of registration to: *
* *
* EZX Corporation *
* 403 NASA Road 1 East *
* Webster, TX 77598 *
* *
* - If you are not a registered user and would prefer to order EZ-Forms *
* Executive then you can mail $89 (includes shipping and handling) to *
* the above address or phone your order in. The phone order line is: *
* - 24 hours ORDERS ONLY - National 1-800-643-9039 x403 *
* Texas 1-800-392-6273 x403 *
* - Other information CALL 713-488-0210 *
* *
New capabilities in EZ-Forms "Shareware version":
EZ-Forms rev D.10:
- This is a complete rewrite of EZ-Forms with many new features.
See the on-line manual and context sensitive help (F1) for
complete details of the new features.
- Form compression is here at last -- forms occupy only 1/3 of
the disk space they used to need. Great space saver!
- Forms can now be up to 126 lines x 255 columns (6X larger than rev C).
- Additional character graphics symbols added (block shade characters).
- Lotus style menus with additional description on second line.
- Bold (double strike) and underline can now be used in forms.
- Auto date and auto time insertion into forms (like auto numbering).
- AltP patch mode and AltG full screen draw mode have been added to
make it easier to create and modify forms.
- Forms can now be selected from the directory by using a color bar.
- Plus all kinds of other additional new features. I've been busy!
EZ-Forms rev D.11:
- Minor touchup to AltG (full screen graphics walk-around)
- Revised colors in editor to alternate colors of text for better readability.
(line, column, date, time, etc.)
EZ-Forms rev D.12:
- Speeded up keyboard, delete, and insert functions thru more efficient coding.
- Cleaned up messages is several areas of the program.
- Added more help (F1).
EZ-Forms rev D.13
- Corrected a minor bug in operation of Tab in wide completed forms.
- Cleaned up the handling of critical errors -- those for which DOS would
normally give you an "Abort,Retry,Ignore?". You only run into these when
you have an error while printing or saving a form.
- Corrected the operation of D for draft on the print menu. When you pressed
D it erased off the screen the S for small text vice the V for very dark
graphics. This was only a display problem, the correct flags were set for
EZ-Forms automatically looks for the configuration file when you run it. If it
doesn't exist then EZ-FORMS will automatically create it. NOTE: If you have
an old EZ-FORMS.CNF file, you will have to use EZ-FORMS to reinstall the
printer type.
EZ-Forms has it's own section on the Yellow Rose bulletin board (713-326-2999).
An area has been set aside to carry the latest version of EZ-FORMS and act as
a focal point for users to swap forms. I will keep the latest version of
EZ-Forms on this board along with additional forms. Check out this board, it
is one of the best one in Houston. Special thanks to the user who uploaded
the BBS wish list forms! These new forms make it easier to keep track of
bulletin boards (phone numbers, passwords, etc) and have now been included
on disk number 2.
The latest version of EZ-Forms is also available on the General Electric
Network for Information Exchange (GEnie) in the IBM PC area 3, applications.
I will continue to upload EZ-Forms to GEnie as new versions become available.
GEnie has file areas for the different PCs and has been VERY good about posting
updated versions of EZ-Forms. GEnie can be accessed throughout the country
at local numbers ($5 per hour). The current number for GEnie information is
1-800-638-9636, ext. 21.
If you find any bugs in EZ-Forms please take the time to fill out the bug
report form and mail it to me. I will try to fix any bugs as quickly as
possible. The first 5 users who report each bug will receive the fixed version
of EZ-Forms as soon as I can correct the bug. With a program as large as this
one, there has to be bugs. Don't let me down, fill out those bug reports and
mail em off to me. If you are a registered user, I will mail out both
diskettes of the two disk set. Otherwise, you will receive only diskette
number one (the shareware version).
Please help distribute EZ-Forms. Pass copies to friends and upload it to your
local bulletin boards. Any suggestions for improving EZ-Forms would be very
much appreciated.
Dave Black
Software Development Manager
EZX Corporation